Wednesday, August 31, 2011


My best friend Carly is leaving for Italy for 3 months with her Landscape Architecture Program and so I made these Italian inspired cupcakes for her going away party. Car car I'm going to miss you!
These are cupcakes believe it or not...they don't taste like spaghetti though, surprisingly. They are homade carrot-cake cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. They were a hit at the party! Never thought I would find an event to make these cupcakes for, but they were perfect for the theme!

Just For Fun.

So simple but soooo FUN to make!

Practice Makes Perfect :D

Fondant is a difficult thing to work with. You have to work quick and neatly. I have noticed it takes a lot of practice to even come close to mastering it, but it's a lot of fun and much better than smoothing out frosting!